Diversity Lottery
Every year 50,000 immigrants are given diversity visas. These immigrants come from countries with low rates of immigration.
These visas will not be awarded to those who are from countries that have had more than 50,000 immigrants within the last five years.
The National Visa Center within the Department of State administers the lottery and chooses winners from qualified countries.
Those who are awarded a Diversity Visa are considered permanent immigrants and have the opportunity to apply for Permanent Residency (“a Green Card).
If you receive a Ggreen Ccard, you have the ability to live in the United States, as well as the ability to apply and work for any company. A Diversity Visa holder is also allowed to bring their spouse and any unmarried children under the age of 21 to the United States with them.
The Visa Lottery is under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), Paragraph 203.
Who can participate?
The application forms are divided into two parts. The first part of the application pertains to the applicant and the second pertains to their spouse or children. Both parts must be completed correctly. Once both parts of the application are completed, your application can be submitted.
You or your spouse must be citizens of a country that is allowed to participate in the Visa Lottery. If you were not born in an eligible country, then you are ineligible. However, you are eligible if your parents were born in an eligible country.
Before the lottery takes place, the State Department publishes a list of the eligible countries. Some requirements are that you must have a high school diploma, or the equivalent thereof. A diploma in the USA is defined as having completed school through the 12th grade.
In the event that you did not receive a diploma or the equivalent, then you must have 2 years of professional experience within the last 5 years in an occupation that requires a minimum of 2 years training or a 2-year apprenticeship.
How do you apply?
Before every Visa Lottery the Department of State publishes instructions for interested applicants.
These instructions should be followed carefully.
Many attorneys take-over the application process, due the necessity for thoroughness and accuracy.
In any case, if you follow the instructions carefully it is not entirely necessary for an attorney or an organization to fill out the application for you.
In the event you should want to enlist a specialist, Contact US by completing our contact form. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have.
How much does it cost?
How much does it cost?
It does not cost anything to participate in the Visa Lottery. In the event that you win, you must pay a fee for the issuance of an immigrant visa, as well as the lottery fee.
How do you find out who won?
Only the winners will be informed and contact will be made through the mail. The winners will receive further instructions and information with regard to the visa, as well as any information pertaining to fees.
The chosen winners are not guaranteed to automatically receive an immigrant visa, as the number of those who are chosen exceeds the number of visas that are awarded. More winners are chosen due to the fact that some do not fill out further documentation.
Once 50,000 visas are awarded, the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program is finished for the respective year.