
Welcome to the Website of the German American Law Center.
We are pleased that you are visiting our website.

As a modern company, we want to provide you with online information about the services we offer.

You should know the following about us. We are a young team, whose expertise lies specifically in the area of international law.

This includes primarily

German Law

We are offering a wide variety of German legal services for businesses and individuals living in Germany as well as living in the United States.

We offer special expertise in business law and in establishing foreign companies in Germany, including drafting Employment Contracts for Executives, Shareholder Agreements, Asset Purchase Agreements.

With respect to Probate Law, we represent Germans as well as residents of the United States and U.S. citizens as we specialize in German Probate Law, German Inheritance Law, International Wills to secure probate assets and initiate the proper probate procedure in Germany.

With respect to German Family Law, we help with German adoptions, German paternity suits and applications, German and U.S. divorces, German and USA custody matters, German and U.S. child support, alimony / spousal support matters and draft prenuptial agreements and separation agreements.

Another focal point of areas of law is the German Immigration and Citizenship Law, where we represent clients who want to retain their German citizenship while obtaining U.S. citizenship. We also help with obtaining German citizenship even though the child was born in the United States or in another country.

We also provide legal Expert Witness services.

We Think Globally

In the era of globalization, it is difficult to avoid getting involved in international legal matters. People are constantly traveling internationally; they get married to a foreign national and would like to live, study or work in the same country as their fiancé or husband.

Many German companies create either a company themselves or create a Joint Venture with an existing company in the USA. Due to the difference in culture, the law and the way of doing business, many newly created companies or joint ventures fail often after a few years or even months.

Another issue is that the Germans usually are stuck with the losses because the Americans prefer to create a Limited Liability Company (LLC). An LLC pursuant to USA law will be recognized by the German tax authorities only under strict conditions as “Kapitalgesellschaft”. Consequently, the losses will not be transferred to Germany.

It is therefore important for a company expanding into the United States to consult, inform and analyze the pitfalls, risks and opportunities BEFORE setting up a company or joint venture.

In this regard, we can help and assist you in choosing the right form of entity for you.

Immigration Law

Our immigration law attorneys ask you the following question first “Do you want to live, study or work in the United States and how long do you wish to remain the United States?”

If you answer the above question with “YES”, we recommend that you extensively read through all immigration statutes and regulations.

Work, study and live in the U.S.

For Germans

Family Based Immigration Issues

German American Law Center PLC

Our law firm is dedicated to assisting our clients and striving to understand their needs. Developing a long- term attorney-client relationship has been a hallmark of our law firm. The law firm’s greatest assets are our people. Coming from a wide variety of schools, backgrounds and expertise our clients can always count on our attorneys to relate to their position.

Memberships are crucial to serve you best!

German American Law Center Michigan Bar Association  Memberships_DeutscheAnwaltssuche_Optimized     Memberships_Anwaltsverein Sachse_2n_optimized  German American Law Center American Bar Association   Memberships_abanetwork

German American Law Center PLC
2901 Ross Ct., Midland, Michigan  48640

Ph: +1.989.687.5255
Fax: +1.989.486.2053
Email: info[at]galawcenter.com